Permission to Write - An Experiment to Stop Hiding

Permission to…
- write
- speak with words
- be messy
- begin
- stop hiding
- say something that might have already been said
- believe my perspective is needed too

I’m no longer willing to let my inner critic own that part of my life.

We all long to express ourselves and share our life experiences in some way that helps us connect with other humans.  The expression can be as simple as a conversation over coffee with a dear friend.  And it can be as complicated as giving an inspirational talk to thousands of people in an arena.  It is a personal choice of how we express and connect, but the commonality is we all long for it on some level.

As 2022 begins, I’m giving myself permission to write and share what I write.  It will be messy and might not always make sense.  But I’m no longer willing to let my inner critic own that part of my life.  “It’s already been said”, “who are you to say…” and “people don’t care what you have to say” are no longer valid reasons for me to hide and not write/share my thoughts.

I’m going to experiment with this by writing a blog post and sharing them several times a week.  I have been inspired by Seth Godin’s blog where he writes something every day (even if it’s only a couple of lines).  I probably won’t do it every day, but I trust an empowered and sustainable rhythm to emerge.

So here is to giving yourself permission in 2022 to do something you’ve been putting off!  For me, one of those things is writing.  What is it for you?  Share in the comments below or send me a quick email at so I know that you’re giving yourself permission to step into an area that you’ve been longing to explore and are ready to do in this new year.


Where do your questions take you?


Reflections and a Free Gift for You