Don't Let Your Future Goals Rob You of Magical Moments in the Present
Sometimes our goals and dreams for the future can rob us of the present. We can be so fixated on getting to where we want to be that we miss the magical moments that are happening in the day-to-day.
I have so many things that I want to create, bring to life, and share. Planning for those things brings me joy and gives me the energy to navigate days that feel mundane. Yet I’ve found that if I am only fixated on those things I can miss my beautiful life happening in the present.
Focus is a powerful tool that can help you make progress and build momentum toward the things that you want most. Make sure that you are using it in a manner that truly aligns with your values of the big picture of your life rather than a narrow view of one piece of it.
Gary Keller talks about the concept of “counterbalancing” in his book The One Thing. At its core “counterbalancing” is going deep into one area with the understanding that you will not be putting much into other areas during that time. Thus you are out of balance in your life. The key is to choose these deep dives with care and recognize that there are certain areas that can’t be neglected for long. A couple of those areas are relationships and health.
So when you use your focus to go after the big dreams and goals you have, make sure to take into account the full cost of that deep dive and put provisions into place so you don’t miss out on the beautiful moments in the present.
I want to have a life where I’m present for the magical moments in the day-to-day AND where I’m going after those big dreams and goals. This is my version of a fulfilling and thriving life and what I’m creating for myself one day at a time.
What’s your definition of a fulfilling and thriving life?