Simple Flow into 2020

As this new year and new decade begin, I’m filled with all the emotions.  Hope, joy, excitement, curiosity, and a healthy dose of fear.

Hope because of the fresh start.  I love a clean slate and this new year feels like one.

Joy because I’m choosing to move forward and press into my grief and struggle from the last decade and use all that I’ve learned to create this business so I can use what I’ve learned to help other women along their own journeys.

Excitement because I’m starting this new decade with big goals that I’m determined to show up for.

Curiosity because I’m not quite sure where this journey will lead, but I want to know how it will unfold.

And fear because it’s my constant companion that wants to keep me safe along the way.

What are you feeling as we embark on this new year and new decade?

Did you find a few moments to reflect? If not that’s okay because there is still plenty of time and you haven't missed the opportunity.

I LOVE to reflect and see the growth I’ve experienced.  So I was excited to dig in and do the year-end reflection.

I tried to work through several resources that I found to help me do a “proper” reflection, but they all fell flat this time.  I was surprised and in the past, I might have gotten upset about it and wondered what was “wrong with me”.  

I’m finding that listening to what I need and honoring my humanity through self-compassion is often the most important thing.

But I was so grateful that was not my response this time.  Instead, I gave myself permission to not fill out the reflection workbooks that didn’t work for me and try a few different ones.  The thing is none of them worked this year. I thought I might not have the normal year-end reflection that I normally have, and I accepted that.

Let me interject that isn’t a normal response for me in past years.  I would have pushed myself to do it anyway regardless of how I was feeling because the most “important” thing was getting it done.  Reflection is important, but I’m learning that it isn’t always the most important thing. I’m finding that listening to what I need and honoring my humanity through self-compassion is often the most important thing.

So after a few different attempts, I realized it wasn’t working out to reflect on 2019 using the usual methods, and I let it go instead of forcing it.

Something wonderful happened a few days after I let it go.

I found myself wanting to journal about a couple of questions.  

The questions were…

~What do I want to leave behind in 2019?

~What do I want to take into 2020?

The next day I spent a little time journaling about these questions and that led to one more.  It became my end-of-year reflection.  The best part was it flowed joyfully instead of being forced and stressful. That is something I want more of in and flow.  

How about you?  Do you tend to force things to get done even when they aren’t working?  Or are you laid back and can give yourself space for them to work out?

Whatever your natural tendencies are, I hope that you will find the things that will help you live joyfully and fully alive as we move into this new year and decade!

In case you haven’t done your own end-of-year reflection, I’ve created a free download for you to use based on the 3 simple questions I used for mine.  I hope it might be helpful to you and get your own reflective juices flowing.

Download your free End of Year Reflection here.

I hope you enjoy it and have a joyful start to this new year!


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