Supported to Thrive - Jumping Higher and Leaping Further
“Supported to Thrive” is my self-care philosophy. It’s a personal journey that needs the special nuances that only you know about your life.

Things I’m Learning About Perfectionism
I used to be a big perfectionist. I thought I had overcome it, but recently I discovered perfectionism is a whole lot bigger than I thought.

Learning Compassion
There was a time when I hated my humanity. That sounds like a crazy statement, but it’s true.
I’ve always been a strong woman that gets things done. It always came down to me being more stubborn and determined than whatever I came up against.

Sitting with Your Emotions
Emotions are trying to communicate with us. Sometimes in order to receive that message we have to hold a little space for them.
I’ve heard this skill called “sitting with your emotions”. What it means is when you feel the emotions you intentionally hold onto them a little longer.

Learning to Identify What You Are Feeling
Emotions are a funny thing. Sometimes they can feel like your best friend and other times like your worst enemy. They’re unpredictable and messy, but they’re also beautiful and enrich our lives.

Truths to Remember In Seasons of Struggle
There was a dark season that I walked through several years ago filled with debilitating anxiety and panic attacks.

When Regret Hits
Regret is a painful and heavy emotion. It usually hits when we've done something we can’t undo or missed an opportunity we really wanted to take.

Simple Flow into 2020
As this new year and new decade begin, I’m filled with all the emotions. Hope, joy, excitement, curiosity, and a healthy dose of fear.
Hope because of the fresh start. I love a clean slate and this new year feels like one.

In My Hunt for Clarity
I’ve used many methods to do the needed processing to get myself to clarity and peace, but sitting down with my journal and pen is one of my favorite ways to work through things and figure out what’s going on inside.

Three Pitfalls of Self-Awareness and Tips to Navigate Them
I love knowing what’s going on inside myself and how things affect me, but I’ve run across a few pitfalls that I thought I’d share.

Three Things That Helped Me Choose Self-awareness
There was a time when I didn’t want to know what was going on inside myself. Everything was locked down so tight and I was managing life fine without it.

What are Self-Awareness, Inner Work, and the Choices We Have?
In this post I want to dig deeper into what I mean by self-awareness, inner work, and the choices we have because of those things. Now that sounds like a simple thing to do, but it was actually pretty challenging for me to capture into words what I do automatically.