To the woman that has big things she really wants but looks around at her current reality and doesn’t see how it’s possible…
I see you.
I know you.
I have been there.
The joy of wanting something so fantastic. The fear of reaching so far outside of your comfort zone that it terrifies you.
The disappointment of looking around at where you are with your small amount of usable resources and not seeing how it’s possible.
The sense of disillusionment that can come when you look at your goal through your current reality. This is the place you must realize a few things and make a choice.
You must realize that right now your goal isn’t possible based on today. You are right that at this moment you most likely don’t have what you need. But that is to be expected and is okay. What you want wouldn’t feel so terrifying if you could obtain it with little cost or effort.
“You might not be the woman that can do the thing yet, but you can DEFINITELY become her!”
This is where you also must realize in order to get what you are reaching for growth is needed. You might not be the woman that can do the thing yet, but you can DEFINITELY become her! If you choose to audaciously believe that you can have what you want most and then show up to do the growth work you will find your way there.
Something to keep in mind is that what we want most has a way of shifting as we embark on the journey. That’s okay and to be expected. Trust the journey you are on and use what you want as the guidepost to where you’re heading. But be sure to leave space for the wonderful unexpected things you don’t even know about yet.
So will you choose to go on this journey? Will you choose to audaciously go after what you want most?
I believe you are capable of doing it and I can’t wait to see what you bring to life!
PS. If you find yourself needing a little clarity around what you want most or want someone in your corner to help you navigate this journey of going after it, I might be able to help support you. Let’s talk.